Fellow Passengers.
"Business! Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of …
Happiness Cultivator. Illustrator of Whimsy. ❤️🩹 Healer. Writer. Eater of Pie. Traveler. Earth Lover. Believer in Humanity. Do Gooder. ❤️🌍❤️
"Business! Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of …
1. Forgive yourself with intensity. 2. Blank Canvases are: Made to paint, draw, create on. Not perfect? Absolutely fine. 3. Some days, you won't do a thing on your list. …
Happiness Cultivator. Illustrator of Whimsy. ❤️🩹 Healer. Writer. Eater of Pie. Traveler. Earth Lover. Believer in Humanity. Do Gooder. ❤️🌍❤️
Happiness Cultivator. Illustrator of Whimsy. ❤️🩹 Healer. Writer. Eater of Pie. Traveler. Earth Lover. Believer in Humanity. Do Gooder. ❤️🌍❤️