to “Pull a Steve Martin”
(Verb 1) To "Pull-a-Steve-Martin": to live life fully; to buck a linear path in favor of wearing many hats; to be whatever your heart desires, as many times as you …
Happiness Cultivator. Illustrator of Whimsy. ❤️🩹 Healer. Writer. Eater of Pie. Traveler. Earth Lover. Believer in Humanity. Do Gooder. ❤️🌍❤️
Happiness is much more than a fleeting moment it is an open heart, a state of mind, a choice to see the good, an abandonment of so much seriousness for silliness, a childlike wonder and willingness to let go, imagine, marvel, and jump into life and living with both feet.
(Verb 1) To "Pull-a-Steve-Martin": to live life fully; to buck a linear path in favor of wearing many hats; to be whatever your heart desires, as many times as you …
April 17 was the full moon. Magical, bright, first full moon of the Spring - moon. I have a love affair with the moon. Which is interesting, because in no …
I am a procrastinator. But not always. Well, mostly. I procrastinated when I was a child. I procrastinated in college. I procrastinate still. But not always. Just, mostly. I have actually spent …
"I don't like being a beginner," I told Jason not so long ago, nearly in tears. In the course of making all of the beautiful pieces I have sketched and imagined, I …
My darling friend made a very wise comment while we were discussing that sluggish, slow to make decisions, hunkering down that occurs after a big disappointment or stressful times in …
The bathtubs are HUGE here. Unlike American tubs which fill up to our mid torsos, these bathtubs fill up to your shoulders. I found this out last night. It was …
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. …
1. Forgive yourself with intensity. 2. Blank Canvases are: Made to paint, draw, create on. Not perfect? Absolutely fine. 3. Some days, you won't do a thing on your list. …
Happiness Cultivator. Illustrator of Whimsy. ❤️🩹 Healer. Writer. Eater of Pie. Traveler. Earth Lover. Believer in Humanity. Do Gooder. ❤️🌍❤️